Thomas Goergen, Germany
Head, Department of Criminology and Crime Prevention
German Police University
Psychologist. PhD Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany, 1996. Researcher at Criminology Department of Justus-Liebig-University (Giessen, Germany), 1991-2002. Researcher at Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony (Hanover, Germany), 2002-2007. Lecturer at universities in Giessen and Hildesheim and at police branches of universities of applied sciences in Wiesbaden and Bremen (1994-2008). Joined GermanPoliceUniversity (Muenster, Germany) in 2007 as Head of Department of Criminology and Crime Prevention. Appointed Professor at German Police University 2008. Main fields of research: elder abuse and neglect in professional and family care; domestic violence; criminal victimization and age; older inmates in correctional institutions; sexual offenses and sexual victimization; child homicide; self-reported delinquency / juvenile crime; attitudes and subjective theories related to crime and law enforcement; organized crime and terrorism.