Foster a space to raise awareness about elder abuse and neglect among people living with dementia
Provide the most up to date information and resources to aid people in navigating safely
Gather data on the effectiveness of workshops from the perspectives of both attendees and facilitators
Support older adults and people impacted by elder abuse and neglect to speak up and support
Older adults who were interviewed for the National Prevalence Study of the Mistreatment of Older Adults in Canada (conducted by NICE and published in 2015) said that, hypothetically, if they knew someone was mistreated, or if they themselves were mistreated, they would talk to their families about it. However, in practice, older adults tend to turn to their peers - who were older friends - to talk about abuse.
According to the World Health Organization (2016), globally, approximately 2 out of 3 people living with dementia have been abused. It is also acknowledged that among older adults living with dementia, increased cognitive and physical impairments as dementia progresses may increase the risk of being placed in situations of abuse and neglect.
Cognitive and physical impairments increase the risk of experiencing abuse and neglect among people living with dementia. Examples include:
Reduced motor abilities and/or communication abilities
Reduced decision-making abilities to address the abusive situation
Reduced social networks
Increased need for supports from caregivers, health professionals, family members, and others
What are our objectives?​
The overarching goal of the project is to educate older adults in the community about elder abuse and neglect, particularly among those living with dementia, delivered by trained older adults and their peers.
The aim of this project is to try a changed, peer-based approach to elder abuse awareness through the leadership of older adults in providing education on elder abuse and dementia. As demonstrated in research and NICE's previous work, a peer-based approach may bring a unique perspective to older adults and community members into building a strong, informed system of support and prevention.
What's our plan?​​
Develop workshop content based on insights from an advisory committee
Host 10 workshops across Canada facilitated by trained seniors
Evaluate the experiences of participants through an online survey
Gather the experiences of our senior facilitators using interviews
Contact Sharon Tan, Research Officer, at with any inquiries.
Upcoming Workshops
There are currently no workshops scheduled. Please visit this site in the near future.

Initiating a Dialogue on
Dementia & Elder Abuse
Our Partners & Supporters
Developed in partnership with

Community partners


Our Facilitators
Thank you to our facilitators for their leadership and support.
Mike Davis, Chair of Elder Help Peel
Julianne Hull, Retired Nurse, RN
Zahida Janmohamed, Clinical Social Worker, B.A., B.S.W., M.S.W., R.S.W.
Dr. Rose Joudi, Aging & Ethnic Diversity Educator, Aging-Well and Older Adult Advocate, PhD
Martin Krajcik, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Educator and Consultant specialized in 2SLGBTQI inclusion
Laura McGugan, Community Care for Seniors
Joanne Murphy, Chair of Retired Teachers of Ontario, Member of Age-Friendly and Senior Advisory Committee of Chatham Kent
Robert Nelder, Member of Senior Pride Network (Toronto)
Margaret Werkhoven, Board Member for Community Care for Seniors and Retired Tachers of Ontario