NICE Student Chapters
The NICE Student Chapters are clubs across Canada and Internationally that engage students in the field of aging. These clubs create an opportunity for students to discuss and promote issues in gerontology and geriatrics through organized events, research, networking, and volunteer opportunities.
Please contact nicenetadmin@utoronto.ca if you are interested in forming a NICE Student Chapter at your university.
The University of Toronto NICE Student Chapter is a club focused on engaging students in the field of aging.
This club will have monthly events that will entail hosting documentary/panel discussions, cohosting a large-scale research poster competition, having panels from different leaders in the field ranging from healthcare to law as well as talks from Masters/PhD students for those interested in graduate school. There will be exchanges on topics including, but not limited to: research, practice and volunteer opportunities in aging, fundraising for aging research and the care of the elderly.
This club’s overall mission is to further promote aging in all disciplines of research among emerging student scholars.
Anyone is free to join by sending an email to ut.nicesc@gmail.com and we will add you to our mailing list!